Lithographie LTD
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1987, Hardcover
154 pages
Dimensions: 230 x 285 mm
ISBN: 0565010468
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Minerals of Cornwall & Devon

English Language: English

Authors: P.G. Embry & R.F. Symes

Edited by: Chris Owen

Illustrations by: Bennets of Camborne, J.C, Burrow, Frank Greenaway, C. Halls, Colin Keates

This surpasses anything that has been published on the minerals of Cornwall and Devon. That which follows will amply demonstrate the fact that it is a magnificent work. This is not to be wondered at when it is appreciated that both workers were colleagues in the Mineralogical Department of the British Museum of Natural History where a wonderful collection of choice mineral specimens from Cornwall and Devon is housed. In addition, the authors have a long acquaintance with the mining fields of southwestern England, particularly their geological and mineralogical character, and with the ancient and modern methods employed to exploit their mineral wealth. For a long time they have also assiduously researched the major collectors and mineral dealers whose activities have been largely responsible for the preservation of those beautiful specimens whose photographs, in color, adorn the pages of the work under review, and for that of many other specimens in many museums of the world.
Not surprisingly, Minerals of Cornwall and Devon is far from being a collection of excellent photographs of minerals set in a matrix of rather gray, matter-of-fact mineralogical details. Its lively construction is such that the minerals seem to acquire a vital quality. One becomes aware of the nature of their birth, where they were born and who their mineralogical neighbors were. One learns of those who uprooted them and of those who acquired them, and of those who sold them. One is also provided with the means of discovering much more about all these topics and related ones.

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