2016, Softcover
ISBN: 9780929975504
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Exotic Gems, Volume 4 |
Language: English
Author: Renee Newman
Buying jade is a challenge because its value can vary significantly depending on its quality and treatment status. Moreover, fake jade is prevalent in the marketplace. Exotic Gems, Volume 4 describes with text and photos how to evaluate jade quality, as well as detect imitations and dyed jade. The guide also illustrates advanced detection techniques, and compares price factors and characteristics of jadeite and nephrite jade. Abalone pearls are also covered, with tips on how to identify and evaluate them. This is the fourth in a series of books that explores the history, properties, qualities and geographic sources of exotic gems. If youre interested in jade or abalone pearls, Exotic Gems, Volume 4 can provide you with the in-depth information youll need to be a smart buyer and seller.