2024, Hardcover 352 pages Dimensions: 28.5 x 24.5 cm
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The secondary minerals from the Deccan Volcanic Province
Language: English
Contributions by: Berthold Ottens, Raymond A. Duraiswami, Mirjan Žorž, Muhammad F. Makki
Illustrations by: Jeff Scovil, Lazlov Kupi
The world-famous basalt region of the Indian Deccan Traps have, over the last 40 years, have fed the mineral market with a stream of modern classic specimens. Written in English, Bert Ottens latest monograph describes 65 of the most iconic species, placing them in geologic context.
The textbook-style layout is illuminated with more than 800 color images, graphics, and maps. This is a limited edition publication, only 500 have been printed -- they won't be around for very long.